>>> Jan Machulski Awards
directed by Olga Przytuła
4 min | Polsko-Japońska Akademia Technik Komputerowych w Warszawie | Poland 2021

A story that each of us knows from our dreams. The mysterious land changes as soon as we try to take a closer look, inviting us to go deeper. It is a tribute to our sensibilities.

Nominations to the Jan Machulski Awards:
Best Animated Film: Olga Przytuła

Olga Przytuła
Born in 1996 in Łódź. Although immensely fascinated by animals and veterinary science, she decided to change her life and embark on a rather unpredictable adventure with art and animation. She is a graduate of PJATK in Warsaw. Author of the bachelor’s project Sloth Down (2019).