„Bestia” and „Kiedy obróci się dom” are winners at the 21st CINEMAFORUM
This year’s edition of the CINEMAFORUM has already ended. „Bestia” directed by Hugo Covarrubias won the International Short Film Competition. We also know the winners of the Jan Machulski Awards.
On Sunday, November 6th, 2022, the 21st edition of CINEMAFORUM has ended. The festival presented the best short films from all around the world. During the final ceremony announced that the winner of International Short Competition is „Bestia”, chilean animation, directed by Hugo Covarrubias. The jury composed of Janusz Zaorski, Marcin Ciastoń, Maria Dębska and Paulina Krajnik awarded the main prize for: an original puppet animation of the extremly dramatic topic of an individual’s entanglement in an authoritarian system.

Jury also awarded the honorable mention to „Warsha” directed by lebanese-canadian director – Dania Bdeir. The jury declared that: „Warsha” is a thrilling story about the realization of a strong and natural need for freedom for everyone and sometimes you have to pay the highest price for it.
Audience disagreed with the jury. „Bestia” and „Warsha” were high on the favorites list, but the Audience Awards went to „Censor of Dreams” directed by Raphaël Rodriguez and Léo Berne.
„Kiedy obróci się dom” won three Jan Machulski Awards
The Jan Machulski Awards Jury composed by Magdalena Koleśnik, Rafał Listopad, Maciej Makowski, Grzegorz Milczarczyk, Jagoda Szelc and Arkadiusz Tomiak awarded the prize for the best film to „Kiedy obróci się dom”. This movie awareded also the awards for the best directing for Maria Ornaf and the best film editing for Alan Zejer.

Here is the complete list of the Jan Machulski Awards
- „The best film”: „KIEDY OBRÓCI SIĘ DOM” (dir. Maria Ornaf, prod. Aleksandra Ostatkiewicz and Michał Ostatkiewicz);
- „The best directing”: Maria Ornaf for „KIEDY OBRÓCI SIĘ DOM”;
- „The best writing ”: Maja Markowska for „PAPIEROSY”, dir. Maja Markowska;
- „The best picture”: Barbara Kaniewska for „WYRAJ”, dir. Agnieszka Nowosielska;
- „The best film editing”: Alan Zejer for „KIEDY OBRÓCI SIĘ DOM”, dir. Maria Ornaf;
- „The best actress”: Ewa Konstancja Bułhak for „TYLKO DO ŚWITU”, dir. Eliza Godlewska and Alan Ruczyński;
- „The best actor”: Emil Siennicki for „MÓJ BRAT RYBAK”, dir. Alicja Sokół;
- „The best documentary”: „PIACH”, dir. Bartosz Tryzna and Monika Stpiczyńska;
- „The best animated film”: „AIRBORNE”, dir. Andrzej Jobczyk.
Founders of the Jan Machulski Awards are Polish Film Institute, Association of Authors ZAiKS, Polish Filmmakers Association, PSC – Association of Cinematographers, Polish Association of Editors PSM, Association of Polish Stage Artists ZASP and Platige Image S.A.
Winners of the 6th edition of the SCRIPT WARS – Mazovian Screenplay Competition
The Mazovia Warsaw Film Commission and the Mazovian Institute of Culture organized the Mazovian Screenplay Competition. The awards were presented durng the final ceremony of the 21st CINEMAFORUM. The jury of the SCRIPT WARS competition composed by Aleksandra Dąbrowska, Piotr Domalewski, Alicja Gancarz, Anna Jadowska, Anna Spisz, Krzysztof Terej and Magdalena Ulejczyk awareded:
- Main Prize for Magdalena Wleklik for the script „Królowa garów”
- Second Prize for Agnieszka Dąbrowska for the script „Vetustas. Tu i Teraz!”
- Third Prize for Karol Marczak for script „Nerwica”
The mentions went to Maciej Sobieszczański for the script „Przez ścianę” and to Robert Bolesto for the script „Dziewczyna piosenka”.
ORKA Production Studio Award went to Lynn Kucharczyk for the script „Trochę sensu”.
Audioteka First Prize went to Magdalena Wleklik for the script „Królowa garów”.
Audioteka Second Prize went to Agnieszka Dąbrowska for the script „Vetustas. Tu i Teraz!”.
The organizer of the festival is the FILMFORUM Association.
The project was co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in Poland from the Culture Promotion Fund and the funds of the Capital City of Warsaw. The festival is co-financed by the Polish Film Institute.
The main partner of the event is the Andrzej Wajda Film Culture Center.
Program partners of the event are: Mazovia Warsaw Film Commission, Mazovia Culture Institute, Digital Knowledge Observatory, American Film Festival, Goethe-Institut in Warsaw and British Council.
Festival industry events are co-financed by: the European Union and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in Poland.
Industry Partners of the Jan Machulski Awards are: the Polish Filmmakers Association, the Association of Authors ZAIKS, the Association of Polish Stage Artists ZASP, the Polish Association of Editors PSM, PSC – Association of Cinematographers and Platige Image SA.