Alex Klaus: „MADAM BLACK”
Funny postcards establish relations Madam Black, a movie which was produced by the director Ivan Barge and tells the tale of a photographer who runs… Read More »Alex Klaus: „MADAM BLACK”
Funny postcards establish relations Madam Black, a movie which was produced by the director Ivan Barge and tells the tale of a photographer who runs… Read More »Alex Klaus: „MADAM BLACK”
Dead Cat Travelling Imagine your cat goes travelling the world and writes postcards to you. “Madam Black tells the tale of a photographer who runs… Read More »Jeffrey Deubler: „MADAM BLACK”
Pod powierzchnią Zaczyna się od domniemanej zbrodni, ale prawdziwa dopiero się wydarzy. W „Under the Sun” zbrodnia przybiera jednak rozmaite postaci. Bywa bardzo dosłowna, ale… Read More »Jan Bliźniak: „UNDER THE SUN”