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Dominika Gnatek

Graduated in Art History from the University of Wrocław and in Directing from the Faculty of Radio and Television, University of Silesia in Katowice, where… Read More »Dominika Gnatek

Arjan Brentjes

Arjan Brentjes often takes the viewer back to a movie style from the past, to look at our future from there. Thereby wittily commenting on… Read More »Arjan Brentjes

Hugo Sanz

Studied engineering and found out that it was not really his thing. He moved on to working as a high school teacher while studying cinema… Read More »Hugo Sanz

Jan Míka

The graduate of a bachelor degree at FAMU in Prague (directing) and the graduate of a master degree at FAMO in Pisek (visual effects and… Read More »Jan Míka

Jakub Radej

Film director and screenwriter born in 1991 in Cieszyn. Graduate in Film Directing at the Radio and Television Department of the University of Silesia and… Read More »Jakub Radej

Sprawdź program 17. CINEMAFORUM

17. CINEMAFORUM potrwa od  7 do 11 listopada 2018 roku. W warszawskiej Kinotece zaprezentowane zostaną najlepsze filmy krótkometrażowe nagradzane na całym świecie ( w Cannes, Berlinie, Wenecji, Toronto, Clermont-Ferrand). Organizatorzy zapraszają również na liczne wydarzenia towarzyszące. Read More »Sprawdź program 17. CINEMAFORUM