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>>> International Short Film Competition

dir. Andre Hayato Saito
Brasil, 2024 (15 min)


São Paulo, July 1998. On the day of the World Cup final between Brazil and France, 14-year-old Erika Oguihara (Melissa Uehara), a Japanese-Brazilian teenager who rejects her family’s traditions, is eager to celebrate a world title for her country. Amidst the tension that builds during the match, Erika experiences a violence that seems invisible and plunges into a painful sea of emotions.

André Hayato Saito

André Hayato Saito is a Japanese-Brazilian director and screenwriter. He has been directing films for 21 years and is a partner in MyMama Entertainment, a production company that has won 2 Emmy Awards. Since 2019, Saito has been working on a short film trilogy that embraces his Japanese-Brazilian roots and portrays themes like identity, cycles of life and death, and ancestrality.The first film in his series was the widely awarded “Kokoro to Kokoro” (2022). The second, “Wind of Gold” (2024), was made as a docufiction. The last film in the series is “Amarela” (2024), which was shown in the Official Short Film Competition at the 77th Festival de Cannes. André Hayato Saito is currently working on his first feature film with the working title “Yellow Chrysanthemum” which he is developing at industry events and lab programs.