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>>> International Short Film Competition

dir. Guilherme Daniel
Portugal, 2023 (13 min)


A message of praise to the President concludes a Party assembly, sparking apotheotic applause. In the middle of the crowd inquisitive eyes of the State Police look for the slightest sign of dissent, and the ovation does not cease.

Guilherme Daniel

Guilherme Daniel graduates in Applied Mathematics before joining Film School in 2009. Since 2012 he works in Film and Advertisement in the Camera department. As a DoP he shoots 18 short-films, five documentaries and two features films. From 2013 on he writes and produces short-films. In 2017 directs “Depois do Silêncio”, work to be followed in 2018 with “A Estranha Casa na Bruma”; 2019 with “Erva Daninha”; 2021 with “Os Abismos da Alma”; and “Aplauso”, premiering in 2023. These movies won awards in national and international film festivals, having won the National Competion at MOTELx twice, an unprecedented feat.